Judson T. Connell, DMD

Things You Can Do For Your Dental Health This New Year

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As the new year approaches, people make plans year after year to adopt healthier habits that
improve their physical and mental well-being. Have you ever thought about your dental health
as a key part of your overall wellness? Here are some smart resolutions for your gums, teeth
and smile.

Visit Your Dentist

This year, resolve to make regular visits to the dentist every six months to check for signs of oral disease. This is especially important if you have any previous or existing conditions that could point toward continuing issues down the line.

Brighten Your Smile

Some studies show that whiter smiles lead to more success both in business and in personal
relationships. If you are unhappy or embarrassed by stained, discolored teeth, consider seeing your local dentist for a professional whitening treatment. You should also do your best to rinse your mouth with clean water anytime you consume coffee, tea, wine and other beverages that are likely to stain your teeth.

Straighten Your Teeth

Can something as simple as a smile give you opportunities for enhanced health, confidence,
beauty and success. Whether your teeth are chipped, worn, gapped or crooked there are
several options available for adults and teens who want to straighten their smiles without the use of noticeable, metallic braces. Consider a consultation with a local dental professional to see if these subtle straightening treatments are appropriate for you.

Dump the Tobacco

Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco increase the risk of gum disease, oral cancers and discoloration. If you regularly use tobacco products, take the new year as an opportunity
educate yourself with free online tools, nicotine gums, patches, smoking cessation groups or
modern progress-tracking apps to help you quit for good.

Eat a Better Diet

While good brushing habits can drastically reduce the risk of tooth decay, it’s only part of the mouths equation. It’s also important to avoid certain types of foods that leave your teeth more receptive to damage. This includes sticky foods that are high in carbohydrates, along with sodas and sparkling drinks that contain a lot of enamel-corroding acid. On the other hand, there are many foods that promote dental health, including celery, carrots, leafy greens and yogurt.